首页 - 制程能力

ITL 公司名称 惠州市惠阳爱特电子有限公司 版本 C
文件名称 制程能力Process capability 页次 1/1
序号No. 流程Technological process 详述Detailed 量产能力Production capacity 样品及小批量能力Sample and small batch capacity
1 材料(Material) 材料厚度公差(Material thickness tolerance) 如无特别说明(If not specified):±10% 如无特别说明(If not specified):±10%
2 层数(layers) 软板(FPC) 1-8 layers 1-10 layers
软板盲埋孔 4层2阶 6层3阶
软硬板(Rigid-Flex) 2-8 layers 2-10 layers
软硬结合盲埋孔 6层2阶 8层4阶
3 尺寸(size) 最小产品尺寸(Minimum product size) 3*15mm 2*10mm
软板最大产品尺寸长度(Maximum product size) ≤1200mm ≤1200mm
软硬结合板最大尺寸长度 ≤600mm ≤630mm
4 开料(Material cutting) 补强类开料精度(Cutting precision) ±0.2mm ±0.1mm
5 钻孔(Drilling) 钻孔孔径公差(Aperture tolerance) ±0.05mm ±0.025mm
钻孔位置公差(Hole position tolerance) ±0.05mm ±0.05mm
钻孔最小间距(孔边到边)(Minimum drilling distance(hole edge to hole edge)) ≥0.10 mm ≥0.1 mm                  
内层孔到其它网络导体距离(The distance between the inner hole and other network conductor) ≥0.20 mm ≥0.15 mm
最小激光钻孔(Minimum laser drilling) 0.05mm 0.04mm
钻咀尺寸(Nozzle size) 0.1mm~6.5mm 0.1mm~6.5mm
6 沉铜/板镀(copper deposition/copper plating) 孔径纵横比(板厚比孔径,软硬结合板类)Aperture aspect ratio(thickness ratio aperture) 10:1 12:1
盲孔径纵横比 0.8:1 0.8:1
最小孔径(Minimum aperture) ≥0.045mm ≥0.045mm
最大孔铜厚(Maximum thickness for hole copper) 35um 50um
最小孔铜厚(Minimum thickness for hole copper) ≥10um ≥8um
7 清洁(clean) 最小磨板厚度(Minimum thickness of Polishing FPC) ≥0.05mm ≥0.05mm
最小洗板厚度(Minimum thickness of cleaning FPC) ≥0.05mm ≥0.05mm
8 层压(Laminate) 层间对位偏差(Deviation between layers) ±0.05mm ±0.05mm
9 曝光(exposure) 图形对位公差(Graphic alignment tolerance) 0.045mm 0.03mm
多层板内层芯板对位公差 ≤25um ≤25um
最小线宽/线距控制 ≥0.04mm ≥0.035mm
10 蚀刻(Etching) 最小线宽/线距控制(Minimum line width/space control) 完成铜厚Complete copper thickness:12-18um
完成铜厚Complete copper thickness:12-18um
线宽线距公差(Tolerances for width and spacing) ±0.015mm(线宽线距≥0.2mm±10%) ±0.015mm(线宽线距≥0.2mm±10%)
手指Pitch公差(首尾两PIN)(Finger Pitch tolerance ) 0≤Pitch≤30mm   ±0.05mm
30<Pitch≤50mm   ±0.08mm
50<Pitch≤100mm ±0.12mm
0≤Pitch≤30mm   ±0.05mm
Pitch≤50mm   ±0.08mm
50<Pitch≤100mm ±0.1
双面板过孔PAD最小孔环(Minimum ring of through hole) ≥0.075mm ≥0.075mm
导体离外形或NPTH最小距离(The minimum distance between the conductor and the outline or NPTH)  ≥0.15mm ≥0.10mm
多层板内层过孔PAD最小孔环(The innermost layer of the multilayer FPC, the smallest hole PAD ring) ≥0.1mm ≥0.1mm
蚀刻的铜条限位线边到外形距离公差(Tolerance of distance from edge of limit line of etched copper strip to outline) ±0.12mm(外形模具冲切) ±0.1mm(外形激光切割)
11 冲孔Punching hole 标准工具孔尺寸(Standard tool hole dimensions) 2.0mm  2.0mm or 3.0mm
工具孔位置公差(Tool hole position tolerance) ±0.025mm ±0.025mm
工具孔大小公差 (Tool hole size tolerance) ±0.025mm ±0.025mm
工具孔心到板边最小距离(The minimum distance from the center of the tool hole to the edge of the outline) ≥5mm ≥4mm
12 贴合(Fit) 覆盖膜累计公差(包括偏位、溢胶、尺寸公差等)(Cumulative tolerance of covering film (including deflection, overflow, size tolerance, etc.)) 人工:±0.20mm,设备:±0.10mm 人工:±0.15mm,设备:±0.10mm
最大溢胶量(Maximum overflow) ≤0.1mm ≤0.08mm
覆盖膜不上PAD的最小距离(The minimum distance between the covering film and PAD) ≥0.1mm ≥0.08mm
覆盖膜不露线或铜的最小距离(The minimum distance of the covering film to a line or copper) ≥0.1mm ≥0.1mm
最小覆盖膜桥宽(Minimum covering membrane width) ≥0.3mm ≥0.3mm
保护膜最小方形开窗(Minimum square window with covering film) 0.5*0.5mm 0.5*0.5mm(开精密模或激光)
覆盖膜开窗与外形边距离公差(Covering film opening to edge tolerance) ±0.20mm ±0.15mm
层间对位精度 ≥0.075mm ≥0.05mm
13 板厚(FPC thickness) FPC最小板厚(FPC minimum thickness) 0.05+/-0.02mm 0.05+/-0.02mm
软硬板(Rigid-Flex) 2.6+/-10% mm 2.8+/-10% mm
14 表面处理(Surface treatment) OSP 有机保护膜(抗氧化处理)
有铅喷锡(HASL),仅对应软硬结合板                      外发 Sn:2um-40um  Sn:2um-40um 
无铅喷锡(HASL free),仅对应软硬结合板                外发 Sn:2um-40um  Sn:2um-40um 
外发(outward processing)
Ba:0.10um                                                                             Au:0.10um
Ba:0.10um                                                                             Au:0.10um
镀硬金(Hard gold plating)                 外发(outward processing) Ni:1.0-6.0um                                                                                Au:0.02um-0.8um Ni:1.0-6.0um                                                                                Au:0.02um-2um
镀软金(Soft gold plating)                  外发(outward processing) Ni:1.0-6.0um                                                                                Au:0.02um-0.8um Ni:1.0-6.0um                                                                                Au:0.02um-1um
镀软直金 Au:0.02um-0.8um Au:0.02um-1um
沉镍金(ENIG) Ni:120-200U"                                                                                Au:2-4U"   Ni:120-200U"                                                                                Au:2-4U"  
沉银(Immersion silver)                    外发(outward processing) Ag:0.1-0.3um Ag:0.1-0.3um
电镀锡(Tin plating) 2um-15um  2um-15um 
15 PI 补强(PI stiffener) 贴合公差  (Fit tolerance) 人工:±0.15mm,设备:±0.1mm 人工:±0.15mm,设备:±0.1mm
16 FR4补强(FR4 stiffener) 贴合公差  (Fit tolerance) 人工:±0.15mm,设备:±0.1mm 人工:±0.15mm,设备:±0.1mm
17 胶纸类( Adhesive tape) 贴合公差  (Fit tolerance) 人工:±0.3mm,设备:±0.15mm 人工:±0.3mm,设备:±0.15mm
18 阻焊(Solder Mask) 阻焊厚度(Solder thickness) ≥15um   ≥15um 
油墨颜色(Ink color) 白/黑/黄/绿/红/蓝(White / black / yellow / green / red / blue)
油不上PAD的最小距离(Oil minimum distance on PAD) ≥0.05mm ≥0.04mm
油不露线或铜的最小距离(The minimum distance of oil from lines or copper) ≥0.05mm ≥0.04mm
最小阻焊桥(Minimum resistance welding Bridge) 0.10mm 0.10mm
19 丝印(Screen printing) 位置公差  (Position tolerance) ±0.3mm(人工丝印) ±0.2mm(喷墨)
油墨颜色(Ink color) 白/黑色(White / black ) (White )
最小丝印线宽(Minimum screen width) ≥0.12mm ≥0.075mm(喷墨)
20 电测 飞针测试Pad/Putch(mm)
0.1/0.2mm 0.1/0.2mm
0.3mΩ-100Ω(精度Test Accuracy:±/0.3mΩ) 0.3mΩ-100Ω(精度Test Accuracy:±/0.3mΩ)
21 模具(Tool) 精密模具公差(50万冲次以上)Tolerances for precision molds(500 thousand punching times) 0<L≤100mm  ±0.05mm
    100mm<L  ±0.05%mm              
样品外形以Laser为主,公差如下:The sample shape is Laser, the tolerance is as follows:
150mm  ±0.05mm
150mm<L  ±0.05%mm
快走丝模具公差(10万冲次)Tolerances for quick die(100 thousand punching times) 0<L≤50mm  ±0.08mm
50<L≤100mm ±0.1mm
100mm<L      ±0.125%mm              
中走丝模具公差(20万冲次)Tolerances for medium wire die(200 thousand punching times) 0<L≤50mm  ±0.075mm
50<L≤100mm ±0.10mm
100mm<L      ±0.1%mm              
木刀模公差(5万冲次)Tolerances for wood knife dies(50 thousand punching times) 0<L≤50mm  ±0.20mm
50<L≤100mm ±0.25mm
100mm<L      ±0.25%mm              
蚀刻刀模公差(5万冲次)Tolerances for etching die(50 thousand punching times) 0<L≤50mm  ±0.10mm
50<L≤100mm ±0.125mm
100mm<L      ±0.125%mm              
冲穴大小(Punch size) ≥0.5mm 任意大小
外形尺寸公差 实际产品尺寸公差范围:无辅料的情况下最严可以按A级标准;有辅料(除开FR4补强)的情况下最严按B级标准;有FR4补强的外形尺寸按C级标准
22 激光(Laser) 激光外形公差(outline tolerance) 公差tolerance:±0.05mm(L≤150mm) 公差tolerance:±0.05mm(L≤150mm)
激光内穴公差(Laser inner slot tolerance) 公差tolerance:±0.03mm 公差tolerance:±0.03mm
23 阻抗(Impedance) 阻抗公差(Impedance tolerance) 特性阻抗一般(Characteristic impedance)50Ω  ±5Ω
(Differential impedance)100Ω ±10%Ω  
特性阻抗一般(Characteristic impedance)50Ω  ±5Ω
(Differential impedance)100Ω ±10%Ω  
24 插拔金手指偏位Gold finger displacement 插拔金手指偏位公差Offset tolerance of gold finger 慢走丝模具冲切最严The die of slow wire cutting is the most strict:±0.05mm 激光切割最严Laser cutting is the most strict:±0.05mm